[pictures at the back!]
this post is dedicated to FRIDAY! :D
i'll post about yesterday and today on the next post~
haha grace hoped you liked your JBs [jellybeans]! i know you do! ^^
and so grace got this UBERCUTE and GIGANTIC spongebob balloon from germaine and co. [btw what does co. stand for? company? counterparts?] anyway, spongebob sings a birthday song whenever you hit it! its SO uber cute! :D
so yup, and it kept making sounds during lessons, germaine felicia and i took turns smacking it till grace covered her ears and became afraid of spongebob's voice D:
so it was tied at the corner of the class, but some guys kept hitting it with erasers and papers in the middle of the lessons, so chenzehou got very pissed at jeremiah, made him take the balloon to the toilet and play with the balloon for an hour.
the scene was kinda funny, but i think we all pitied grace's balloon D:
oh, and mrhamdan slacked during class, so grace was brought out of the room, while the [ican't remember who] brought the cake up, and so there was a surprise for yuenlam tiongho and grace haha happybirthday!
and right, the day was rather nice,
but there was bio ct for me afterschool with 3J and 3K, and so i took a different paper from 3L. it wasn't well done but since i've studied, i think i'll pass ^^
i went to collect my results slip from mrsmohan and i did badly, duh, i fell asleep while studying for the majority of the tests -.-
BUT fear not, i'm going to MUG HARD during the sep holidays! :DD
so after that i met xinhui, jiaying and ashley!
we had a hard time deciding where to go, and since all of us wanted to watch SECRET,
we narrowed down the options to tm, bugis, city or orchard!
somewhere far but not too far seemed to be a nice option, so we trained to somerset and walked to cineleisure! :D
the mrt was jampacked so i think we didn't get to talk much haha
orchard sure is crowded, even at around 2+ it was super packed. i almost fainted at the sweltering heat, passed by many familiar buildings and malls. its been some time, actually its 1 month since i've been to orchard.
i still remember my night out alone at orchard. that was the time where i truly experienced loneliness i guess. i was the one who chose to go to orchard alone instead of returning home anyway, ohwell.
so we reached cineleisure! took this picture on the way up the escalator, spiderman's here to grab you!
and oh, i was rather fascinated by how much the mall has changed since 6 years back, there's loads of shops there now, they sell cute and horny and pretty and interesting stuff, i'll make sure i'll go there during the december holidays! :D
tada..here's spiderman for you!
[shortly after i snapped this picture i saw megan!]
well, unfortunately the earliest screening time for secret was 5+, and it was too late for us, and boy, were we even more disappointed when we discovered the timings for
ratatouille and hairspray didn't fit us either D:
the heavenly smell of popcorn made me salivate, and leaving that place was a struggle -yes its exaggerated-
anyway i'll be watching secret with
yeni kaiying xinhui jiaying ashley on tuesday, so i guess i won't feel so...deprived.
as i trudged down the escalator, i decided to snap another photo of our dear spiderman, he's in a descending motion , like how the excitement in me has..crashed. -ohwow, EMO- those feelings were faked btw, xDDD
yes, we were all hungry, so it was SUBWAY for us! :D
boy, i missed subway. its been millions and trillions and quintillions and sextillions of years since i've last bitten on the fantabulous and brilliant half foot long..bread.
as usual, i got my cold cut trio,
with no onions and capsicums.
topped with extra olives, warmed and toasted with cheese in the oven.
there's nothing more delightful than a warm subway. honey mustard really does wonders, sometimes i really wonder who on earth came up with these delicious recipes...
jiaying and i paid together and got ourselves a student meal, 4+ bucks for a subway and a chocchip cookie and a drink sounded like a really gooddeal anyway! :D
we got lemontea and i added a lil bit of sprite in my drink. never try that my readers, it makes you puke. well, not really, but its just not nice tasting D:
meanwhile, xinhui and ashley decides what to eat...turns out to be teriyaki chicken with TWO cookies and a large drink. they paid the amount for a subway, a drink and A cookie, but they got TWO each instead.
lucky people...
had a nice time talking yup! i can't remember the contents though! D:
xinhui and i eat quite slowly rarr. to put it in a nice way, we're savouring the true flavours of our meal ^^
the two lucky ones had a hard time finishing their double cookies, though they were really wonderful!
some cookie crumbs x] yusofishak with the indiandot thing and earrings! xDDDDDD
well, whatever. we spent close to an hour there and headed to HMV
my idea actually. ashley's bag strap broke there and she had to hold it in place with hairpins o.O
its a really big place! of course i saw my LEEHOM cds. [yes, i've been a loyal fan and bought gai bian zi ji xD]
esprit was next! i really want to zi bi and buy that top with the tie! i think ties are cool yes! 8)
uhh, what did we do, walk to a roadside bookstore, and spend loads of time there! XDD
while ashley was engrossed in her tyrant-y history book of hilter and stalin, and jiaying in her [i can't remember what] book, xinhui and i had a nice time looking at the BOOK OF DINOSAURS! ;D
here's a very weird one for you
i like that book! there were many siblings of barney too! we saw one that looked like his sister, and some cute ones and some evil ones.
i'm still interested in the topic of evolution yes!
afterawhile we got bored again and this time, ashley found the ADULT ONLY book of SICK JOKES!
that really set us laughing, there was a whole page on condoms:
a kfc condom is finger lickin' good! xDD
and then there were weird jokes,
the chicken and punk one,
and the meow moo one. xin hui was laughing at the joke for ages, while i stood there and felt retarded for not understanding the joke 0.0 till now, i still don't ....
ashley went half mad too, and so did jiaying xD
jiaying left for centerpoint to meet her parents at 7+, so we decided to go home too! (:
saw shui ling from the mediacorp show shouzu (kinship)! she looks kinda chio in real life yes ^^
yes, mrt. we missed a train cause it was too crowded -.-
peakhours i guess.
BTW we saw ALAN [the helper who worked part time at the chem lab a few months ago] on the mrt. HOHO.
so he smiled at me and i smiled at him so he waved to me and i waved to him.
then i was called retarded by the both of them for waving -.-|||
the trip back was slightly better, while xinhui continued reading her harrypotter, ashley and i sat down to talk. conversation..forgotten. i was just randomly shooting photos again, god knows what ashley did to her hand -.-
i'm not sadistic, btw.
xinhui got off at tanah merah, ashley at simei.
i discovered alan lives at block 147 -.-
anyway i had a sudden urge to buy JJ's xi jie after getting off the mrt, and so i did.
don't ask me why i did, i just did xDDD
home just feels great after a tiring but fun day, i'm looking forward to tuesday with you guys! ^^
wednesday: dr noob and her concubine headband. -.- such a retard...
can you think of better ways to encourage us to donate for wearing home clothes?
too bad i didn't i'm not going to donate to the building of sports stadium fund...
my brother's birthday present! gee, i wish i were 21 so i'll get nicer presents, hahahaha.
though i'd say godiva chocs aren't really worth the money, its just that the packaging looks very high class and all...the outer layer of chocs aren't really that great, unfortunately D:
my brother and I! and i swear my current camera sucks, don't buy panasonic cameras!
one of my brother's presents. this clock is totally cool looking!
like wow, compare it to a normal clook, and even the gears looked so cool! 8)
and let my brother thank me again for helping him design the guestbook! x]]
21 years old yes, may you find a gf xDD [maybe you already did]
okay, here's a last picture!

that's me when i was 1 year and 3 days old! babies are all cute! ^^
k bye!
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